Dexter - Episode 6.11 “Talk to the Hand” - Promotional Photos

8 promotional photos about this Sunday's episode of Dexter, 6.11 "Talk to the Hand". Click the link below to see more. (Spoilers)

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  1. I think I already know what is gonna happen here. Deb tries to push away Dexter to get into that room to save Quinn from the gas, but Dex won't let her and Quinn dies.

  2. Obviously Batista survived his encounter. You can see rope marks on his wrists where he must have been tied up.

  3. The person in the room has a ring on their ring finger, suggesting they're married. The only people I would guess is Mike or Beth Dorsey, most likely just Beth dies but Deb wants to save her regardless.

  4. If anyone read the "spoiler", it was apparently de-bunked. These pictures don't really prove that it is or isn't true.

  5. It can't be Quinn because he and Batista have changed clothes since last episode. Why would they change clothes if they were rushing to save Miami Metro? Also there's a part where they're standing in the police station rather calmly - probably after wormwood has been averted. The shots don't match the tension and urgency of the situation. My prediction? Wormwood will be resolved within the first 10-15 mins of the episode and no one major will die.

  6. I can't believe no one has mentioned the first picture. LOOK at Dexter's hand, it's fucked! Looks like he's got 6 fingers!

  7. That's a shadow..not an extra finger!

  8. @anon 4:41 How was it debunked? I did not read anything anywhere about it being debunked

  9. I've seen a couple "fake" versions of the one spoiler, so my guess is that the first one was true, and all subsequent rip offs were variations.

  10. the thing i'm more curious about it the painting travis does with dexers face in it, and what's going to happen with that

  11. I need to get a badass hat like Batista is always wearing. Anyway, it's good to see he has his shield back. That kind of pissed me off a little when Travis took it away from him. Batista just can't seem to catch a break -- he was divorced from Nina; was stabbed by Brian; accused of raping Lila; he nearly got arrested for defending LaGuerta; Batista and LaGuerta were divorced; he lost the Lieutenant position that was rightfully his; and now, he was attacked by Travis. At least we can take comfort that he won't be killed off; Batista has already been through enough. Batista deserves a happy ending on the show. I want to see him find happiness by the end of the series.

  12. You know what Nicholas?

    Batista, Deb, AND Dexter deserve happiness, but we know they aren't going to get it.

    Just for a pipe dream though, I am going to imagine a scenario at the end of season 8, where Dexter gets away, aided by Deb, and they change their identities, get married, raise Harrison and another child they have together named Laura (cause Doris just doesn't work) in some tropical South American country.

    Meanwhile, Batista becomes police chief and marries a supermodel.

    Season ends.

    5 years later we get a Dexter film, where we have a mastermind serial killer played by some solid "less than superstar" actor like Erik Bana, terrorizing the country, and the FBI has to hunt down the Morgans to enlist them to find the guy. Of course it becomes personal for Dexter, and his Dark Passenger re-awakens.

    There is a sequel feature film about 3 years later, and then 4 years after that the final of the entire saga, by then MCH is pushing 60 and Jen is pushing 50 so they go out in a blaze of glory, leaving Harrison and Laura (who ARE half-brother and sister) to enlist in police academy and carry on the Morgan legacy.

    8 Seasons, 3 Feature Films and it's over.

    And THAT is what you call a "pipe dream" for Dexter fans. ;)

  13. Not this Dexter fans Pipe dream

  14. Can't hardly wait!!

  15. I tell ya they need to blend stories, bring in Patrick Bateman (Christian Bale) and have him in the Dexter Universe.

  16. @ANONYMOUS 8:58

    That would be cool if they could get Christian Bale, I would also like to see either Russel Crow, Christopher Walken, Densil Washington, Bruce Willas or Ving Rames to cross paths with Dexter. Any of the above would make a great "BIG BAD".

  17. How about woody harleson I can see him being an odd wacky but loveable seriel killer friend for dexter

  18. Harrelson did Natural Born Killers, and I think he said somewhere that he'd never tackle a serial killer again.

  19. To me it looks like Dexter got a nice whiff of Wormwood and Deb is worried for his health, trying to pull him to safety.

  20. Dexter fans - you may get a kick out of this crime infographic.

    Serial killers beware!

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